"You have this really cool layering of emotions with an underlying hint of weirdness to your work" - Jonathan Herbert, Artist
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Haley - This is a 20 x 24 oil painting on canvas. The original reference photo came from Nolan Streitberger of his daughter Haley when she had pink eye.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Top one is Mila from Russia and the painting at the bottom is "Piggy", titled after the stuff pig this young lady has had since a small child. Drawn on the blackboard. Both are done in oils....
It has been forever since I posted to my blog. This is Haley. This painting is getting there. Now working in oils. Once I start putting in the background it will all come together in something really cool...
What is my art? My preferred medium now are oils. I worked years in acrylics since I hate having to spend so much time cleaning brushes and I liked that my paintings are dry within hours. But now all that has changed. I love being able to work the next day in wet paint and the brushes really are no bother.
I love the big massive clouds, marshes, swamps and wild places we have in Florida and what may be hidden within.
My latest works have been mainly portraits. At the Gasparilla Festival of Art where they accepted me as an "emerging artist", there was much interest in my portraits, so I have decided to pursue this a little further.
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Which by the way, I am the owner of a comic bookstore.